A claim for compensation in administrative

Condition of interest: i.e. filing a lawsuit for compensation in administrative disputes by someone who has an interest, provided that it is legal

A claim for compensation in administrative disputes needs certain conditions similar to filing a lawsuit of any other type:

Requirement of capacity: that is, a lawsuit is filed by a person who has the capacity of the victim of the administration’s behavior, or it is filed through the victim’s legal representative. In the event that the victim is a minor, the lawsuit is filed by his guardian.

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Condition of interest: i.e. filing a lawsuit for compensation in administrative disputes by someone who has an interest, provided that it is legal. If there is a factual harm suffered by the plaintiff, whether material or moral.
Eligibility condition: It is necessary for this condition to be present when filing a compensation claim in administrative disputes. And in the possession of the natural person, but the incapacitated cannot file the lawsuit themselves.
The requirement that the compensation claim not be reduced by statute of limitations. As the statute of limitations in the tort civil authority for compensation is three years from the date of occurrence of the damage, or from the date of knowledge of it.
The requirement that the decision be final and unlawful.
Characteristics of a compensation claim.
The claim for compensation in administrative disputes is one of the most prevalent cases in the administrative judiciary. Where the characteristics of the compensation claim are divided into general and private. The characteristics of the compensation claim in general are four main characteristics, namely:

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As it is not an administrative grievance, but a lawsuit.
It is a personal subjective suit.
Its affiliation with the lawsuits of the jurisdiction of the judiciary of rights.
Finally it is one of the cases of complete elimination.


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