How a Full Suspension Ebike Helped Kevin Recover from Knee Surgery?

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E-bikes are considered the future of transportation, offering commuters a new green way to cycle and explore the great outdoors, while also helping many patients recover from injuries, making them perfect for those who want to cycle but don’t People who put too much pressure on their knees.

Good knees mean freedom of movement; bad knees mean restricted freedom. Maybe you just want to take your bike out for a leisurely ride on a nice day, but lingering knee pain might worry you—for John Kevin, who lives in Orlando, Florida, a full suspension ebike helped him get his sport back and his life back.

Kevin is an outdoor sports enthusiast. He loves hiking and cycling with his family and friends on weekends. But unfortunately, he had an accident while walking his dog in September 2021. At that time, his dog broke free. During the chase, Kevin accidentally slipped and fell from the water-logged steps, and he immediately felt that something was wrong. Yes, something is very wrong. After further examination at the local hospital, the result can only be described as the worst. The doctor told him that he must undergo knee replacement surgery. In order to continue to participate in outdoor activities in the future, Kevin had to accept the doctor’s advice.

After surgery, to help Kevin recover from his knee injury, doctors told him the best exercise was swimming or cycling, which was clearly more appealing to Kevin. Kevin then discussed his route ideas, estimated workout duration, and other details with his doctor to make sure his knee didn’t get worse.

Kevin tried to get back on the bike but his knees weren’t working yet, luckily Kevin found a full suspension electric bike online and found a lot of examples in a forum of this bike helping people recovering from knee injuries, so in November 2021, Kevin also bought one for himself.

“My full suspension e-bike really helped me get back into motion”

Compared to traditional bicycles, the electric bike has a motor and battery, and most are also equipped with pedal assist systems that help and encourage people to ride. When Kevin controls the throttle on his bike, the motor powers the wheels and propels his bike forward. As soon as Kevin takes his foot off the throttle, the motor stops working. By combining the throttle, Kevin can ride without pedaling. A week later, Kevin’s knee has gradually regained strength, and he began to use the pedal assist function-as long as he depresses the pedal, the motor will provide him with additional assistance. hurt the knee.

Doctors told Kevin that his knee was recovering faster than expected thanks to the e-bike. A month later, Kevin is able toride his e-bike to places he can’t reach by car or on foot. Thanks to the fat tires on his full suspension e-bike, the front and rear suspension greatly reduces the bumps in the ride, Kevin can often ride his fat tire ebike through different terrains, including tarmac, gravel, grass and sand Wait. Three months later, Kevin was able to move his knee completely freely and was working as usual.

“It was the e-bike that rekindled my passion for riding”

When some people suffer from sudden and unexpected accidents, it often leads to other problems, such as depression and so on. “From the moment I injured my knee until the surgery was over, I was thinking that I was done, that I might never be able to ride a bike or do other outdoor sports, and even though my family was around, I felt like I was going to get depressed. “It wasn’t until I saw in forums how e-bikes helped other patients recover from injuries that I regained my hope.”

“When I first got on a full suspension ebike, wow, that felt really good, it was so comfortable, it was like riding on air. I just put on the pedal and the electric power assist Helped me move and I fell in love with it. Without a doubt, e-bikes rekindled my passion for riding and helped me get out of my depression.”

“E-bikes have brought me and my family a lot of joy”

Kevin purchased 1 more full suspension e-bikes and 2 e-bikes for children in 2022 to meet his and his family’s needs. “Although my knee has fully recovered, electric bicycles still play an important role in my life.” Kevin said, “Electric bicycles have brought me and my family a lot of happiness. Now, my wife and I and both kids have their own e-bikes, and every weekend we ride along Orlando’s riverside together for more fun and bonding.”

Cycling after knee surgery may seem difficult at first but with the help of an e-bike it is totally achievable and with the right setup you can enjoy cycling without putting more stress on your knees. Kevin’s story also encourages people to enjoy riding without pain. In addition to Kevin, thousands of Americans recover from illness and surgery by regularly riding electric bicycles every year, which is another reason why it is so popular. One big reason.


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