If you decide for whatever reason to cancel your trip, you can use those 30 seconds to disembark Lost Ark Gold. To exit the Ocean Liner, just speak with Riff once more. This time, he'll have the words "[Ocean Liner Disembarkation]" above his head. You teleport back into the port you originally came from, but you unfortunately won't receive your silver back.
Lost Ark's Slime Island is a particularly special area in the game, home not only to one of the few PvP-enabled areas, but also to a few key player collectibles.
The world of Lost Ark's Arkesia is sprawling and magnificent, home to a collection of great continents and a sprinkling of small islands. These locations each tie to each other to provide players an opportunity to adventure and discover items that'll give them a boost in the game.
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One of the more unique spots on Arkesia's map is Slime Island. Situated in the northeastern part of the world, this island is home to a unique zone that encourages both player combat and exploration. Here's everything you need to know about Slime Island, from its specific location to all its possible collectibles.
Slime Island is a small landmass located off the West Coast of Arthetine, in the Ocean of Kratos. By sailing around that spot in the ocean, you should come across the island's red crossed-swords icon pretty easily. True to its buy Gold Lost Ark, Slime Island is home to an infestation of slime enemies. By battling and successfully eliminating them, you can collect rewards and other special items.