Nar Phu Valley Trek

Popular trekking route in the Annapurna region


The Nar Phu Valley Trek is a popular trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal. It's a remote and off-the-beaten-path trek that takes you through the beautiful Nar and Phu Valleys, which are situated in the northernmost parts of the Manang district.

The trek starts from the village of Jagat and takes you through a series of small, traditional villages that have remained untouched by modernization. The trail then climbs up to the Nar Phu Valley, where you'll be treated to stunning views of snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and deep gorges.

One of the highlights of the trek is the chance to explore the unique culture and way of life of the people living in this region. The Nar and Phu Valleys are home to the ethnic Tibetan people, who have preserved their ancient customs and traditions.

The trek is challenging and requires a good level of fitness and stamina, as you'll be trekking through high-altitude terrain. You'll also need to obtain the necessary permits and hire a guide to trek in this region, as it's a restricted area.

Overall, the Nar Phu Valley Trek is an unforgettable experience for those looking for an adventure off the beaten path, with breathtaking scenery, unique culture, and a true sense of adventure.




Deep Manandhar

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