There is nothing like visiting an immersive art exhibition. An immersive art exhibition is an art experience that allows the audience to walk around inside the art piece itself. With the help of new technologies, this art experience can be achieved with the aid of 3-dimensional projections.
For example, an art exhibit, called Van Gogh's Room, was developed in 2017. This exhibit was created by a French art gallery to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Vincent Van Gogh’s death. The exhibit was designed by Thierry Coup, the Director of the gallery.
This exhibit uses virtual reality and holographic immersive art exhibition london technology to create an illusion of a room that was actually created by Van Gogh when he was living in France. Virtual reality technology creates the illusion that you are actually standing in a room. Holographic technology creates the illusion of seeing the room as if you were there in real life. The technology was used in the exhibit to give the illusion of walking through
Van Gogh's bedroom, dining room, and even his attic. It was a great way to view the room as if you were inside it. Some people felt like they were actually inside the art piece, but this was just a simulation. The gallery is planning on using immersive art in other exhibits in the future.