Wotlk Classic Phase 3: Big Changes Are Coming To The Loot

Recently, a change to loot is arriving. Whether you’re rating four characters each week or just returning to the sport, necessities such as changes you should know about

Recently, a change to loot is arriving. Whether you’re rating four characters each week or just returning to the sport, necessities such as changes you should know about. From the completely new loot, the Titan Rune Mode beta will drop to Ulduar gear changes for the loot changes we aren't talking about. I’ll cover everything and that means you know what you may anticipate in the next phase.

So first let’s get some good basics looked after, Trial in the Crusader can be a catch-up phase. Even if it feels unfair, this stage is built to bring players into the established game. Then we have to talk about the completely new Titan Rune Mode.

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New Titan Runes Modes

In Titan Runes Alpha, you're already able to find 200 aspects of item-level gear from normal bosses, on top of the 213 items of gear from Final Bosses. Let’s label this mode Heroic mode.

Then there’s the recently mined data and the completely new Titan Rune mode beta that Blizzard stated earlier. To know how Titan Runes Alpha modifies the injury in mob health from 30 to 100.

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It also adds 40 damage and 140 health, plus a new Titan Rune. It can even summon Keepers of Ulduar that may help you. Considering how easy the current dungeons are, I know I’ll be locking my Fury Warrior over these dungeons until I’m fully embroiled.

Gear Drops

So you might be asking which kind of gear the completely new Titan Runes Modes will drop. Because they handed 232 items of gear out like candy, as well as the 225 item level gear for 10 people in Trial in the Crusader that’s dropped from the completely new Titan Runes beta.

But Blizzard themselves have mentioned that hard mode gear will probably be added for the mode in Phase 3. We probably expect a 10-player hard mode to become put into Final Bosses’ new dungeon mode. This made a fascinating game loop in my new character.

I’ll enter into Titan Runes Modes first to obtain the 200-item level parts. Then I’ll switch to beta mode to acquire raid loot. I didn’t tell my Fury to go away from that dungeon and return there. Although many questions remain, starting with learning so what happened to Ulduar itself in past interviews.

The Future of Ulduar

Blizzard did mention expecting players to produce their teams to Ulduar to find the best trinkets. And the leaked changes we’ve learned reveal that raids will probably be designed just like a Loot Pinata you could clean out after your harder raids. So this is where the completely new raids loot variation will come in.

First of all, you have to remember that Phase 3 is built to bring players into the game even at the cost of devaluing your rare items, which means players will miss a lot of Wotlk Classic Gold. But in the long run, more players returning for the game can be a good start. Everyone should maintain fair competition with time for Icecrown Citadel and Cataclysm.

I mean, you can’t forget that Cataclysm. You can save 25 hard mode loot for 25 raids, and that means you can get distracted by ten minutes. But if you need the most powerful Vault of Archavon, you’ll need to work a little more.

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