"De Behandeling" is a thriller movie directed by Hans Hubers, starring Geert van Rambyberg and Ina Geerts.
The thriller movie tells the story of Detective Nick in the process of investigating a bizarre disappearance but discovers that the case is inextricably linked to the disappearance of his brother.
Thriller movie plot
Nick (Geert Van Rampelberg)'s brother disappeared mysteriously when he was very young, and the only suspect was released on parole with insufficient evidence, which became Nick's heart. A piece of cloudy, lingering. After growing up, Nick became a police detective. While punishing the wicked and promoting justice, Nick never forgot his missing brother for a moment and never gave up his pursuit.
Nick took over a bizarre disappearance case. What made him feel strange was that the family of the crime family chose to keep silent about the disappearance of their children, and the most suspicious of them was the strange father. As the investigation deepened, suspicious points in the case surfaced one after another, and Nick was shocked that this case seemed to be inextricably linked with the disappearance of his brother.
Thriller movie review
Nick's brother mysteriously disappeared when he was nine, but the suspect was quickly released. Years later, Nick becomes a police detective investigating a bizarre case. The life of a family of three was suddenly broken, and the son suffered misfortune, but the parents of the victim remained.
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