Why Choose Wooden Flooring?

Why Choose Wooden Flooring?
Wood Flooring – the current trend in the interiors is classic, chic, elegant, easy to maintain, modern yet traditional and supported by the interior design and architecture community for its being “Green” nature. Wood plays a major role in the history

Why Choose Wooden Flooring?

Wood Flooring – the current trend in the interiors is classic, chic, elegant, easy to maintain, modern yet traditional and supported by the interior design and architecture community for its being “Green” nature. Wood plays a major role in the history of mankind and its role has always been entwined with Art & Architecture. Some more elaborations on as to why one should choose wood floors:


  1. Green and healthier option for homes and workplace: As we all know that wood is a natural material. In comparison to other resources like stone, metal etc., wood is a totally ecological, renewable & inexhaustible resource. So wooden floors are a healthy choice for an interior environment. The flooring does not gather much dust, allergens, pollen particles etc. as it does not have grout lines, embossed surfaces and fibers. If you care about indoor air quality then wood floors can be best option.
  1. Aesthetic character: Aesthetically seducing, the wood floors are warm in appearance and highly sought after by interior designers and the people who are remodeling their existing place or taking a new place. Besides being stylish and glamorous this flooring would also make the space appear bigger visually.
  2. Variety and budget friendly: The glamorous character of this flooring may leave you wondering of its price, but do not panic, they come in prices to suit every budget. Infact some solid wood floors are cheaper than some luxury vinyl tiles. With numerous options to avail from wood floors can range from Rs. 75 onwards, depending on your taste and requirement. There are many options available in the market such as urethane, lacquer and oil and waxed finishes in a variety of shades and texture that would add swirls to any place.


  1. Maintenance and durability: Hard wooden floors do not need any strong chemical agents for cleaning (unlike in the case of carpets). In comparison to other flooring options they are really easy to clean and maintain. Light dusting and brushing is sufficient for a daily cleaning ritual. Unlike carpets and other flooring options, the Vinyl and hard wood floors can be refinished rather than replaced they need refurbishing. Though after a while the wooden floors may start to fade or loose its shine but this characteristic of wood would make it appear even more beautiful than before as wood is known to look better with age. Hard wood flooring is really a good choice if you are looking for an option to last almost a lifetime as it its strong character can bear a lot of stress without getting damaged.
  2. Easy to install: Compared to other flooring options, it is easier to install wood floors but the installation should be taken care of by an expert on wood floors. A proper finish is important to achieve that final outcome.


Do not hesitate, just go in for that chic and ever green wood floor you always wanted for your house or workplace, but remember to get it from a proper Interior Lifestyle Store likeSt Homecraft. The cheaper variations in market can be luring but a genuine product, proper guidance and a pre and after service would save you from long term hassles and would help you achieve a classic, timeless look for your wood floor (Interior & Exterior) that fits a wide range of design options at a pocket friendly price.



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