What is RealDOM in React?

React's virtual DOM acts as an intermediary layer between the application code and the Real DOM, allowing for efficient rendering and updates.

In React, there is no built-in concept of "f RealDOM." However, it is possible that you are referring to the concept of "Real DOM" and its relationship with React's virtual DOM.

The Real DOM (Document Object Model) is the browser's native representation of the HTML structure of a web page. It is a tree-like structure where each element corresponds to a node in the tree. The Real DOM is responsible for rendering and updating the visual representation of the web page.

In contrast, React introduces the concept of a virtual DOM, which is a lightweight and efficient representation of the Real DOM maintained by React itself. The virtual DOM is a JavaScript object that mirrors the structure of the Real DOM and holds information about the components and their states.

When there are changes in the application state or props, React compares the previous and current versions of the virtual DOM to identify the minimal set of changes needed to update the Real DOM efficiently. This process is known as reconciliation. By performing updates on the virtual DOM first and then applying the necessary changes to the Real DOM, React optimizes performance and minimizes unnecessary updates to the browser's rendering engine.

React's virtual DOM acts as an intermediary layer between the application code and the Real DOM, allowing for efficient rendering and updates. It provides a more abstract and developer-friendly way to interact with the DOM, simplifying the process of building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. By obtaining React Training, you can advance your career in React. With this course, you can demonstrate your expertise in applications using React concepts such as JSX, Redux, Asynchronous Programming using Redux-Saga middleware, Fetch data using GraphQL, many more fundamental concepts, and many more critical concepts among others.

It's worth noting that while React abstracts away much of the manual manipulation of the Real DOM, there are still instances where direct interaction with the Real DOM may be required. React provides ways to access and manipulate the Real DOM through features like refs and lifecycle methods for specific use cases that cannot be handled solely through the virtual DOM.

Overall, React's virtual DOM is a key component of its performance optimization strategy, enabling efficient updates and rendering while providing a declarative and component-based programming model for building modern web applications.

Varun Singh

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