When it comes to the world of gps jammer able devices there are only a few items surrounded by as many contentions and robust perspectives as the hidden GPS tracker.
There is however one.
The GPS jammer / blocker
It is difficult to accept that something designed to give privacy back to the individuals that have lost in the 1st place has gotten concerned in the middle of such a huge fight nevertheless it is indeed the case.
In fact, for many nations ( a lengthy list that embodies the US ) don't allow voters to use, own or maybe buy GPS jammers or devices that have the same function as GPS blockers.
So why then would it even seem clever to get involved in the business of purchasing and selling GPS jammers.
The most important reason is the margins.
If you glance at the retail price of gps jammer it can regularly be between 150 and 350 US bucks depending on the device's strength and what functions are offered.
However, it is very possible to pick up those self same devices for between 20 and 70 USD from wholesale suppliers and wholesale dropship suppliers.
That represents a very profitable mark-up for any person brave enough to be in the market.
So if you're brave enough to source GPS jammers, what must you be looking for?
Keep an eye open for the frequencies, the transmitter strength, the battery life and the effective distance. All of these are crucial items to search for when sourcing GPS jammers.
But when making a GPS jammer listing, what should put down?
Writing an outline that draws privacy advocates and individuals that don't want the manager to understand that they take the company car to Hooters on the weekend is simpler than you believe.
Here are the numerous things that you are going to need to make certain you've got right:
*The GPS jammer listing title
*The GPS jammer listing footage
*The GPS jammer listing outline
*The GPS jammer listing directions
The Right Way To Make The Ideal GPS Jammer Title
For 'eyeballs ' or page traffic, titles are largely the one thing that you're going to need to nail down because they will doubtless dictate how many people come to see your listing.
As a result you need to be sure your titles:
- Have all of the keywords a privacy advocate and all around devious person is likely to type into Google to search for a jammer.
- Highlight the features that'll be most enticing to the target audience, like how well it can be concealed and how strong it is
- Use language that tweeks the reader's feelings ( Words like secret and strong are excellent examples of this )
Tools like the Google AdWords external keyword tool can help you out with the words that folks are using to search for the devices that you need to sell. However, what features you market and the language you use is truly down to you and how much in touch you are with your client base.