How to Start Running from Scratch: Tips for Beginners

How to Start Running from Scratch: Tips for Beginners

Why do promises made to oneself about jogging often end in nothing? The answer is obvious – because it is difficult for a person to immediately jump into the sports pool if his physical activity before that was minimal. For an unprepared body, the very thought of running is already stressful, so your body needs to be brought up to it smoothly.

And it's not just about starting jogging with minimal loads, but also about preparing thoroughly before starting classes. The first thing to do is to visit a doctor.

Going to the doctor

If you have never been drawn to physical activity, suddenly becoming an avid runner is not a safe undertaking . After many years of permanent hypodynamia, the body needs to be prepared for stress, and an experienced doctor will help you with this, who will examine you, draw conclusions about your health and give appropriate recommendations.

During the examination, special attention should be paid to:

heart and blood vessels (including blood vessels of the brain);
joints (especially knees, ankles and hips);
nervous system (in case of neuroses, sleep disorders and hyperexcitability, running may be contraindicated).
Additionally, consult your doctor if you are overweight. You may need to lose a few pounds in another way before you start jogging to protect your heart and joints from excessive strain. Varicose veins also have some contraindications that you should discuss with your doctor.

Selection of equipment

Running clothes should be comfortable, not restricting movement, and breathable. Girls need a sports bra or top that reliably supports the chest. Choose clothes made of fabrics that absorb and wick away moisture well.

It is better to choose running shoes with a small elevation under the heel. But the height of the "heel" should not exceed 1.5 cm, otherwise the position of the foot will be unnatural, and it will be very difficult to develop the correct running technique. The exception is people with a lot of excess weight who need additional foot support. In case of flat feet, special orthopedic insoles are needed.

When, how long and how often to run?

The ideal time for jogging depends on many individual factors. If jogging invigorates you and you can afford to set aside time in the morning, run in the morning. If even after a short jog you feel tired and need to rest, run in the evening. Focus on your own work schedule, biorhythms and habits.

A beginner needs 3 sessions a week – over time, the number of runs can be increased to 5-6. You should start with 20 minutes, gradually adding 5 minutes. Before jogging, be sure to warm up by doing light joint exercises – pay special attention to your knees, ankles and lower back. After jogging, walk at a brisk pace for another 4-6 minutes, and then gradually reduce the speed until you reach a slow walk. This way, your heart and respiratory system will slowly and smoothly return to normal functioning after the load.

Running technique for beginners

The hardest thing for those who want to learn how to run from scratch is to place your foot correctly. It should land not on the heel, but on the widest part of the foot. At the same time, you don’t need to extend your foot far forward – it should touch the ground exactly under the center of gravity, that is, under your body.

The body leans forward slightly while running. The abs are tense to prevent slouching. The neck is in a relaxed, neutral position, in which you can comfortably look both forward and at your feet. With ideal technique, the head, pelvis, and foot of the front leg are in one line.

Start with a leisurely run that does not cause you discomfort. The ideal speed for a beginner is one that allows him to maintain a conversation, inserting individual sentences into the conversation. Breathe naturally, deeply and evenly.

Monitor your heart rate – ideally, you should buy a heart rate monitor. Your heart rate during running should fluctuate within 60-70% of the maximum. To calculate your maximum heart rate, simply subtract your age from 220. You can also find out your heart rate without the appropriate device – count the number of beats (on your neck or wrist) in 10 seconds and multiply by 6.

Nutrition before and after running

You should go for a run no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. It is better to eat something carbohydrate - porridge, pasta, toast, bread. Avoid fatty, heavy, spicy food - it can cause discomfort in the stomach when running. You can run on an empty stomach, if you do not feel weak or unwell.

It is also better not to eat immediately after a run – after the shake-up, the stomach needs time to return to normal. But a glass of water will come in handy. Don’t forget to drink while running – this is especially important in hot weather.

How to Start Running from Scratch: A Program for Beginners

The adaptation program is designed for 16 weeks. It is suitable for beginners who run 3-4 times a week.

I-II weeks:


1 minute – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
1 minute – fast walking


III-IV weeks:

2 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking
1 minute – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking


V-VI weeks

2 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
3 minutes – fast walking


VII-VIII weeks:

2 minutes – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking


IX-X weeks:

2 minutes – fast walking
3 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
3 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
3 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
3 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
3 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
2 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking


XI-XII weeks:

2 minutes – fast walking
4 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
4 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
4 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
4 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
4 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking


XIII-XIV weeks

2 minutes – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
2 minutes – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking


XV-XVI weeks

2 minutes – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking
5 minutes – jogging
1 minute – fast walking


Style Summary

Starting to run from scratch, without any basis behind you, is not as easy as it seems to many enthusiasts, but it is not catastrophically difficult either. The most important thing is to approach the matter wisely, observe moderation and not be lazy. And positive motivation will always be found, because running is an excellent assistant in the formation of a healthy, beautiful, hardy body .

kyle smith

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